Phalaenopsis bellina coerulea

Phalaenopsis bellina coerulea


Very fragrant

Potted 3"

Waxy, long lasting flowers, usually blooming just a single (or two) flower(s) per stem.

They usually bloom during the summer or under lights in winter as well. They need humid conditions and long days to flower.

Seed grown

Full Description
Area: a1
Date: 2024.12
Orchid Not In Spike/Not In Flower *
  • Description

    Very fragrant

    Potted 3"

    Waxy, long lasting flowers, usually blooming just a single (or two) flower(s) per stem.

    They usually bloom during the summer or under lights in winter as well. They need humid conditions and long days to flower.

    Seed grown

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    Current Stock: 6
    Gift Wrapping: Available