A short summary on the results of mailing orchids with wireless sensors.
We were curious to send a sensor in the mail and see what it would record in the different parts of the mail journey.
So we sent some orchids to our friends and see what would happen.
We decided to put the sensor on the inner wall of the box with out the insulation and wrapping to see what the 'extreme' temperature and humidity would be.
We were also trying out the green crinkle paper and the three foot boxes; we will soon be selling larger blooming orchids through the mail.
We packed it all up and sent it to the post office at 4:00
Here is the post office tracking from the internet:
And here is the recorded temperature and humidity between April 16th, 4:00 to April 18th, 1:00
The next test would be to wrap the sensor and treat it like the orchid. And we would probably do the same as before and add one next to the inner wall of the box.
And if you want, you can buy the sensors on our store: SensorPush Sensor
We highly recommend these sensors! We personally use them with our orchids at home and in the greenhouse.